

The Centreville Journal is published each Sunday and distributed at worship services. These articles are republished from the Journal.

Displaying 541 - 560 of 1081

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Date Title Author Topic
08/14/16 The Quasi-Apology Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/31/16 The Strength of the Human Spirit Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/31/16 Legacy Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/24/16 Disciples Indeed; Free Indeed Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/24/16 Dial 9-1-1 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/17/16 Open Letter to One with Gender Confusion Jeff Smith The Centreville Journal
07/10/16 Sacrificing Ourselves to God Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/10/16 Soft Power Emotionalism Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/03/16 Does It Really Matter? Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
07/03/16 Worship as Pleases Us?! Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
06/26/16 A Difficult Conversation Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
06/19/16 Mourning the Orlando Victims Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
06/19/16 Why Didn't Jesus ... Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
06/12/16 Sharing and Serving at Centreville Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
06/05/16 Boy vs. Gorilla Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
05/29/16 War Against the Soul Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
05/29/16 Rainbow Valley Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
05/22/16 What David Learned from Abigail Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
05/22/16 What Hypocrisy Is Not Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
05/15/16 Alcohol: A Blight on Our Society Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal

Displaying 541 - 560 of 1081

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