

The Centreville Journal is published each Sunday and distributed at worship services. These articles are republished from the Journal.

Displaying 601 - 620 of 1081

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Date Title Author Topic
12/13/15 Why God Isn't Fixing This Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
12/13/15 Turning Points in Bible History - 3 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
12/06/15 The Desire to Escape Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
12/06/15 Turning Points in Bible History - 2 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/29/15 Dare to Stand Like Joshua Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/29/15 Turning Points in Bible History - 1 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/22/15 It's Only Violence Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/22/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 12 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/15/15 Somewhere Between Orthodoxy and Innovation Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/15/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 11 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/08/15 Our Parents' Mistakes Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/08/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 10 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/01/15 Spirituality According to Oprah Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
11/01/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 9 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
10/25/15 I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
10/18/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 8 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
10/15/15 On Social Drinking Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
10/11/15 Religious Terminology Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
10/11/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 7 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal
10/04/15 Jesus' Figures of Speech - 6 Jim Jonas The Centreville Journal

Displaying 601 - 620 of 1081

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