

Why God Isn't Fixing This

Following the recent murder of 14 people in California by Islamic jihadists, the front page of the New York Daily News snarled:  GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS.  Prayer was called a “meaningless platitude” in derision of the Republican presidential candidates who dared to say the victims were remembered in their prayers.  Of course, the tragedy was turned into the partisan politics, but that is not the focus of this article.  Rather, I want to expose the NYDN for its blasphemous, hypocritical and bigoted attack against those who pray for the suffering and insinuate that God is at best indifferent and at worst impotent.      

My response to the NYDN is, “Why should we expect God to fix anything for America?”  Those with a leftist, liberal (label them as you will) agenda have been steering our culture in a godless, amoral direction for decades.  References to God have been systematically purged from all government-related institutions (hmm, who would that leave?).  The concepts of fixed moral standards and objective truth have been undermined by academia.  University professors and administrators have erased significant vestiges of religious presence on campuses.  The news media and Hollywood, bastions of the left, have shaped attitudes and opinions for generations. 

We declare that Christianity is merely a mythical crutch for a naïve society to pacify ignorance and fear. We pound the drum that Islam is a peaceful religion and excoriate any who counsel against extremism.  We abort babies by the millions and legalize deviancy, drugs and divorce.  We pander to perverted interest groups and destabilize gender identity.  We sue business owners who honor cultural moral codes that have been in place since America’s inception (and in Scripture for longer).  You get the picture.

And then you want to ridicule those who still believe in the goodness of God and moralize about the supposed impotence of deity?!

It is only by the grace and patience of God that such hypocrites are still alive, for surely if the true God was more like Islam’s Allah they would be charred ruins by now for daring to question His integrity.

The NYDN headline was sheer hypocrisy and dishonesty.  It was a classic Catch-22:  If conservatives said anything about policy in the wake of San Bernardino, they would be savaged for their exploitation of a tragedy.  Conversely, if they merely express condolences for the suffering they are branded as simpletons who believe in a non-existent God.  All of which said more about the News than those who offered prayers.

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death” [Psalm 33:18-19]

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” [Proverbs 14:34]

Even though God blesses those who despise Him, He will not abide forever a people who are intent on banishing Him from their consciousness.  We sow the wind, and are we shocked when we reap the whirlwind?!