Why Do Resolutions Often Fail?
We all experience the frustration and guilt of making resolutions only to see them fall by the wayside. We see where improvement is needed and intend to replace the bad with the better. But after a while, pfftttt!!, and it’s all gone. Why does this happen? Maybe for many reasons, but I’ll offer a couple:
1) We remain in denial. We are not completely convinced that we need to change. We might accept that some change would be advantageous, but we leave room for doubt that radical change is needed. So we settle for a few cosmetic alterations that are doomed at the first appearance of discomfort.
Solution: Be honest: Is this a matter that truly calls for a change of lifestyle or habit? If we are having an internal debate, it is probably a good sign that we know something isn’t right and we need to improve. Face it head on. Be truthful with yourself. God (and probably others) likely already see the need.
2) Our head was in it, but our heart wasn’t. That is, we knew intellectually that we needed change, but deep down we really didn’t desire it. The truth is, we truly enjoy some elements of what is making us weak or unhealthy (physically or spiritually) and we don’t want to give them up.
Solution: We need to shift our thinking so that we truly desire the new behavior. I firmly believe in the power of the human will to achieve goals that are reachable. Non-Christians demonstrate this every day. But when you add God’s help to change for the better, what can we not accomplish (that is not a material impossibility)? But we must be committed to admitting and desiring what will improve our lives.