

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Do you remember this lyric from Lionel Richie’s song “Easy”?  We used to quip, “He must not go to church.”  And this ad came the other day from Dress Barn:  “Less thinking, more lounging.  Get in a Sunday state of mind.”

To the world Sunday is personal time.  It is the day before the work week resumes, a day of chores, sports, family dinners and lounging.   The safest time to pull out of our subdivision is Sunday morning because the highway looks like a ghost town.

Sunday became known as the “Lord’s day” by John’s reference in Rev 1:10:  “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day …”.  Out of the seven days of the week, which is most likely referred to as the “Lord’s”?  What day was He raised on?  Sunday, the first day of the week (Mt 28:1).  What day did the kingdom formally make its appearance on earth (Acts 2)?  Pentecost, the fiftieth day after the Passover, which made it a Sunday (Ac 2:1).  What day did early saints meet to partake of the Lord’s supper?  Sunday (Ac 20:7).  What day did Paul direct the contribution to be set aside?  Sunday (1 Cor 16:2).  Thus we infer that the Lord’s day is the first day of the week, Sunday.

Sunday is not my day or just any other day.  Sunday morning  isn’t easy if you are getting kids ready for worship.  For believers Sunday is a special day, but in modern times its true meaning has been obscured by the fog of ease and entertainment.  May we reflect each Lord’s day on the blessings that flow from Him who died for us and was triumphantly raised on His day.