And the Medal Goes to ...
The evening before graduation at Florida College each senior is given two medallions. During this pre-graduation ceremony, the student keeps one of the medallions and gives the other to a special person that has inspired and encouraged them during their college career. It may be a teacher, an administrator, a parent or even a spouse.
In most cases, we who are God’s people can point to many mentors and nurturers who have helped us grow far more than we could have on our own. Perhaps it is a tough teacher or coach who pushed us to excel. Maybe it is a parent who sacrificed and served without fanfare or complaint. Maybe it is a friend who has stuck with us through thick and thin.
What’s so special about the ceremony is that it forces the seniors to think about who has positively impacted them and then tell them in a very meaningful way. This is a lesson for all of us. Too many things go unspoken. Words of praise and appreciation should not be reserved for funerals. Paul certainly was not reluctant to praise those who helped him (Rom 16:3-4; Ph 2:19-22, 25-30; 4:3; etc.).
So here’s this week’s challenge: Think of someone who has been a life-changing influence in your life and find a special way to tell them. There’s enough bad news in our world. Who knows? Your kindness might be a turning point in their life.