

Jesus' Figures of Speech - 6

“But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” (Mt 26:29)

Jesus speaks figuratively here in a couple of ways.  First, “drink of this fruit of the vine” is a figure standing for the whole of the memorial supper.  This type of figure has a fancy title:  synecdoche.  (Like thirty “head” of cattle means thirty whole cows.)  Both Scripture and our everyday language is full of this imagery, but we’re so accustomed to it that we rarely notice.

Another figure is Jesus’ reference to “drinking” the fruit of the vine in the kingdom.  His participation with us as we observe the Lord’s supper is not a literal drinking on His part but a spiritual fellowship as we remember and are thankful for His death.

The “newness” acknowledges that things are about to change drastically.  The Passover and all other Mosaic elements will find their true meaning in the new covenant that Jesus’ death inaugurates.  A new kingdom with spiritual features will be established.  Citizens will dine at the table of the King (1 Cor 10:21), not to satisfy their appetites but to honor the One who gave His life to save them.  We Christians are those citizens.  Let us remember the Lord’s participation with us in His supper.