Emblems and Mementos
Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 11:27)
Little things may be infused with an astronomical amount of emotional attachment. For Olivia and I, we have several for the baby that we lost Saturday, November 29th, 2014. Among the lot are: a heating pad, a composition journal, and a Willow Tree figurine. Each is imbued with a host of memories. The heating pad reminds us of the night we lost our child. Olivia was in pain and we were struggling. In an effort to relieve the pain, I ran out to the only store open at 2 AM, Walgreens. The composition journal is a record of entries from Olivia to our baby throughout the early weeks and even following the loss. We read it from time to time. The figurine is of a mother with a golden heart on her chest. We treat these objects considerately.
Little things. They can move a person to tears, to remembrance, to recollection. Although modest, little things make a profound impact. A bit of unleavened bread and less than a half ounce of grape juice might not seem all that impressive, but it’s what they symbolize that makes them important. These small elements call us to remembrance of the Lord’s death, of His love for us, of the pain He suffered. May we have the right hearts when we do so. Anything less is irreverent of what these emblems represent.