

1 Timothy 6:20

[Avoid] profane and vain babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge. (1 Timothy 6:20)

One of the great struggles Christians face is constant bombardment by false ideas – especially in our present “information age.”  But Paul is specifically addressing those ideas promoted by brethren, not the world at large (1 Tim 1:3-4, 6-7; 4:1-3; 6:3-5).

Some brethren become enamored with intellectualism.  They fancy themselves as “outside the box” thinkers, and their mark of distinction is the promotion of “new,” off-the-wall concepts that are at best useless to practical faith and at worst downright contradictory to revelation.  Some are truly intrigued by the novel and unorthodox; others simply want to awe their brethren with their intellectual prowess.  Either way, the end result is damaging to the cause of Christ.

Interestingly, Paul says “avoid,” not “refute.”  Some things are so ridiculous that to refute them actually gives them a measure of legitimacy.  They do not even deserve mention.  Reject them out of hand.  But other ideas that have already taken hold among believers need to be refuted.  Consistent teaching of truth will help keep these things at bay in a local congregation.