

Parable of Ten Virgins

Although parables were taught outside of the Bible, we tend to be more familiar with the parables of Jesus. Why Jesus taught in parables is made clear in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13). Parables serve to sift out the truly dedicated from the chaff thru lessons of varying levels of intellectual difficulty. One of the more basic parables to understand is the Parable of Ten Virgins as recorded in Matthew 25:1-13, so with it we will begin our series.

The substance of the parable is fairly elementary, but the applications are abundant. Jesus is in the midst of the Olivet Discourse in which he details the encroaching decimation of what remains of the national kingdom of Israel. After enumerating some of the details of this upcoming destruction in chapter 24, Jesus proceeds with the contrast of His eternal, spiritual kingdom. The characteristics of the kingdom and its citizens are thus relayed through the use of this figurative characterization.

We first notice the grouping in that ALL ten are considered chaste virgins in the parable and that ALL fall asleep waiting for the bridegroom’s arrival. Jesus also splits the claimants to citizenship into two groups: five foolish virgins who did not provide for extra fuel and five prudent virgins who did. We also notice that the bridegroom is the one who tarries and that He comes in His own time.

Although numerous applications could be made, two stand out. First, ALL are called to alertness despite the tarrying of the bridegroom (cf. 2Pet. 3:9). Despite the prudent virgins’ readiness in preparation, notice that all are rebuked by Jesus as he closes the parable, “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.” Second, everyone is held accountable toward taking preparatory action, which results in the ability to make the ultimate act of obedience at His arrival.

There will be no excuses when Jesus returns. All failure to act right now in this hour will lead to suffering, weeping, and the gnashing of teeth in that hour. Have you prepared for His coming?