Proverbs To Live By (11:13)
A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.
Why is it so hard to keep a secret? Why do we feel a burning desire to reveal confidential information? I think the main reason is that we want the benefit that comes from sharing sensational news, whether the news is good or bad.
What benefit is that? Telling something that others don’t know gives the impression that we are important; we have inside information. Or maybe we feel perceptive: the listener will think we are insightful if we know something they don’t. So desperate are we for this elevation that we may repeat private details or even embellish unrealistically. Destructive gossip craves being “in the know.”
But the “faithful spirit” keeps private what should remain private. This takes proper motivation -- i.e., more regard for the damage that might be done by speaking than the good that comes from remaining silent. It is a matter of priority. Am I so insecure that, to look important, I will “spill the beans?” Knowing when to speak and when to be silent takes much wisdom and provides much peace.