Joy That The Lord Gives
Jesus made these two statements to His disciples in the same discourse (John 15:19, 16:22):
- “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
- “Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.”
How does being hated by the world equate with enduring joy? It should be obvious that our joy cannot be based on the approval of others around us. Certainly, everyone has an emotional need to be accepted and approved by one’s peers, but we must value God’s approval above that of the world.
Jesus spoke the above words initially to the apostles. The Lord charged them to bring heavenly revelation to a wicked world, and their words would expose and condemn the sin so treasured by the world. They would challenge power structures, marital ties, individual character, false religious beliefs – not out of personal animosity but in advancing the truth. The truth makes enemies.
After their sorrow of seeing Jesus die, they would see Him later with His life restored. This victory, and all that it represents, is the true source of Christian joy. Such joy isn’t in the shallow applause of people we have little in common with, who approve of us merely to the degree that we reflect their values and standards. Rather, our joy lies in the triumph of grace over guilt, of truth over lies, of righteousness over wickedness, of eternal life over death.
We are pilgrims, walking out of spiritual harmony with an indifferent and sometimes hostile world. But we are joyful because fellowship with God carries us into eternity.