The Minority Is Often Right
It is so easy for men to justify themselves on the basis of what those around them are doing. Many think, “Surely so many people wouldn’t do it/believe it if it was wrong!” This is an irrational confidence in human judgment -- irrational because we could cite countless contradictions of it (Jews should be exterminated; the earth is flat; there’s not going to be a flood; etc.). The majority has been wrong so often that it is hard to believe any thinking person would take comfort in what view the majority holds.
Actually, siding with the majority is laziness. It is easier to accept the group’s approval of what already has been decided than to research, pray, seek wise counsel and then make a firm decision on principle. That takes work.
So because society has normalized the most vulgar speech, I guess that means it’s OK to use it myself, right? And because seemingly everyone is getting “body art” and sticking bolts and screws through various parts of their bodies, I should do it, too, right? (Did you read the one about the football recruit that got Auburn’s logo tattooed on his body only to change his mind a couple of months later? Do you think it is wise to permanently disfigure our bodies with views/statements that are liable to change somewhere down the road?)
And because our society has approved abortion, fornication, divorce, drunkenness and all other manner of evil, it must be right about those things, too, right? And yet there remains this unflagging belief that if most say it is OK, then it must be OK. Actually, the minority that often sees the truth, not the majority.
While this doesn’t mean we should always adopt the less popular view as the right one, we must have the courage to swim against the tide and uphold the truth regardless of how many support it. Standing for the truth can be a lonely outpost to defend.