

Proverbs To Live By (6:32)

Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul.

How timely is this proverb considering the latest public figure to destroy his reputation and career through adultery, Gen. David Petraeus. Many proverbs deal with the sensual enticements that lead people into illicit relationships. Such allure is powerful and preys upon physical and emotional needs that are to be supplied by a spouse.

But Satan uses many false promises and justifications to blind people to the consequences of their actions. “No one will find out” (Prov. 7:9, 19-20). Some rationalizations may involve a shortcoming in a mate. Or the adulterer creates sympathy for the paramour: “They need me; they need someone to love them.” Whatever the excuse, adulterers plunge heedlessly into the fires of passion – and they always get burned.

When the affair comes to light, as in the case of Petraeus, onlookers say, “What was he thinking?!” Stripped of blinding passion, the foolishness is plainly seen. If only we could see the foolishness of all sin before we commit it.