Person Of The Week: Baruch
Little is said in the scriptures about Baruch, but what is said informs us of the crucial role he played. But it is more of a background role; Baruch is not a leading figure in the Bible narrative.
In every great human undertaking, there are usually “principals” who are out in front, spearheading the events, receiving the publicity (think quarterback or race car driver). But the whole enterprise is successful because of a large contingent of support staff who assist and encourage the headliners. Such a person is Baruch, only he is Jeremiah’s only support staff.
In one of the dangerous incidents of his life, Baruch is sent to publicly read Jeremiah’s prophecy against Jehoiakim at the temple (Jeremiah 36). This act endangers the lives of both Baruch and Jeremiah, and they must hide to protect themselves.
In a later chapter we are given some insight into how this episode impacted Baruch. He complained: “Woe is me now! For the Lord has added grief to my sorrow. I fainted in my sighings, and I find no rest” (Jer. 45:3). Great heroes of the Bible at times felt overwhelmed and despondent, but God always gave them courage. God replied to Baruch: “I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go” (45:5).
God sometimes gives us hard assignments, but He knows our limits and will strengthen us for the crisis -- as He did Baruch.