Person Of The Week: Noah
Many consider Noah a mythical figure and the flood a legend, but references in the Old Testament reveal him as a real historical figure (I Chron. 1:4; Ez. 14:14, 20), as do Jesus (Matt. 24:37-38), Peter (I Pet. 3:20; II Pet. 2:5) and the author of Hebrews (Heb. 11:7) in the New Testament.
The hallmarks of Noah's life: belief, obedience and endurance. He believed God when he was told of a coming flood that would destroy the world, a disastrous occurrence that had never been experienced. He obeyed the commands of God to build an enormous vessel that would preserve human and animal life for the re-population of the planet. He endured decades of planning, preparation and building the ark God had commanded.
But Noah is also called a “preacher of righteousness” (II Pet. 2:5), a man who by example and word tried to save his own wicked generation. In the end, the only ones he could persuade to join him in safety was his own family.
This is a story that still resonates through the centuries, for the final destruction of all things is patterned after the flood (II Peter 3). There is much to learn from Noah.