Word Of The Week: Heaven
The term "heaven" can refer to the atmosphere surrounding the earth, the realm of space or the eternal dwelling place of God. In all of these cases, we look “up” from our vantage point -- away from the earth -- to truly ponder “heaven.”
But it is God’s abode that we wish to emphasize, for not only is God said to dwell in heaven but also that He wants us to dwell there with Him for eternity. What an amazing offer to creatures so undeserving!
So heaven should be of the highest priority to us. God is the essence of everything good and pleasant and beneficial. To be in the presence of one so powerful and loving -- forever and ever -- is an endeavor worthy of our life’s best effort.
And truly, we cannot get there by our own unaided effort. Our sin required a sacrifice outside ourselves to reunite us with God. God provided that for us in the death of His Son.
This world, along with its pain and suffering of all kinds, should raise our eyes to the dwelling place of God, to aspire to be with Him where we will enjoy total bliss. “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (Col. 3:2).