Word Of The Week: Pastor
Many people consider “preacher” and “pastor” to be synonymous terms. They automatically identify the one who speaks from the pulpit every Sunday as “Pastor ______.” But a careful examination of terms reveals that pastors are equivalent with elders or overseers.
These are men, chosen by each church according to certain criteria (I Timothy 3; Titus 1), who oversee a local church, shepherding the “flock” of God (I Pet. 5:2; Acts 20:28). They serve in plurality; that is, a local church is to have two or more shepherds/elders/pastors.
A preacher or evangelist, on the other hand, is a man of some ability to preach God’s word. His role is primarily that of a teacher, whereas pastors are concerned with the overall well-being of a local church. There is not a criteria list for preachers, but the books of Timothy and Titus do lay out duties and character traits that Paul expected from those young evangelists.
Does this distinction really matter? Yes, especially when we consider how many men have started their own religious organizations, enriching themselves by taking advantage of others. The one-man pastor model has encouraged abuse and excess. When we stray from God’s words and ways, bad things happen.